
Who is Playing Your Character?

Who do you allow to push your buttons or advise you? Good or Evil?

This world is like a fractal. What you see in the microcosm can be seen in the macrocosm. As you look deeper you can find out what’s really going on in a larger sense. If you want to make sense of the creator, you will look at the creation and vice versa. There are patterns throughout it all.

Fractal Loop Stock Videos by Vecteezy

The Higher Self

The Paper Example

If you have a stack of paper that is a 3-dimensional object. One piece of paper inside of that stack is a 2-dimensional object. For this example imagine the piece of paper is infinitesimally small so there is essentially no height to it.

One single 2D piece of paper can coexist with its higher self, the 3D paper stack.

People & Their Higher Selves

In the same way, I view us, in the 3D world, as a single slice of our 4D selves. The 4th dimension is time. The beginning of our 4D physical selves can either start when we’re conceived or the beginning of time if you want to trace your DNA back through your family tree. You have aged a few seconds reading this and so you’ve moved up a few slices as time has gone by.

The 5th Dimension

I believe we are currently our 3D selves in this infinitesimally small moment of time while simultaneously we are our 4th-dimensional selves. Some part of our higher self is still the child we used to be and the one who is about to die. Our higher-dimensional self is the stack of our slices.

If the 4th dimension is time, then the 5th dimension outside of time can see simultaneously from the very beginning of time to the very end. Just like the stack of papers exists at the same time as the single sheet of paper, I believe there is a 5th-dimensional version of us that exists with us in the 3D. We just can’t see it. It’s what some people call their higher selves, and what some people call God.

Note: Vibrational dissonance occurs when our 3D thoughts and feelings are not aligned with higher-dimensional thoughts and feelings. You can read more about that here.

In the game The Sims you can play simulated people and make families. The characters can go on dates, go to college, get married, go to work, get fired, or die in various ways. It’s a simulated life and if you look at the creation you can learn about the creator of the game. What’s going on in the game is a simulation of what the creators have done in their actual lives.

The Sims has playable and non-playable characters (NPCs). Because you can only choose one member of the family to control at one time, some characters that are essentially playable turn into NPCs when you’re not in control of them. But you can set up a queue of actions which they will usually do without issue.

If you are playing a character and want them to achieve great things in their life, you will set up a queue of actions such as waking up, taking a shower, doing some fun exercising (like dancing to music), reading a book, and then going to work. If you’re smart you’ll know the character can eat food and go to the bathroom at work so you don’t have to worry about those. This way the character will get some physical fitness in, have some fun, learn a new skill, and still be ready to have a good day at work.

On the other hand, NPCs have artificial intelligence which makes them quite short-sighted and therefore dumb. If left to their own devices they may get up and use the bathroom and eat and veg out on the couch watching TV. They may even forget to go to work because they’re having so much fun watching TV and they are shortsighted.


The Sims could also be called Avatars. The most common uses of the word avatar as defined on Dictionary.com are:

  1. Hindu Mythology. the descent of a deity to the earth in an incarnate form or some manifest shape; the incarnation of a god.

  2. Digital Technology. a graphical image that represents a person, as on the Internet.

On a smaller scale, the characters in the game The Sims can be said to represent us. On a larger scale, we, 3D humans, can be said to represent an incarnation of God. The Bible says God’s spirit is in each of us, basically incarnating our carnal bodies.

2 Corinthians 6:16 And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.

Exodus 29:45 I will dwell inside the Israelites and be their God.

The Bible actually suggests we are all bodies/souls with YHWH’s spirit incarnating us (1 Corin. 3:16, 1 Corin. 6:19). This is why Jesus (Yehoshua) spoke of his body as the temple (or home) of God that would be raised up again (John 2:21).

Mainstream Christians might not like the idea that we are “gods” incarnating these flesh bodies. But Christ said we were gods. The word “god” does not mean creator.

People Aren’t Always Being Led By YHWH

People, as avatars, have the option to be led by the Holy Spirit or an Antichrist Spirit. From the article “Should we FEAR the LORD?

The word “fear,” as discussed in the word study video, is an action word. It’s not referring to a passive state of being (such as someone crouched in a corner crippled, having a panic attack, unable to move). It’s a term used to refer to someone (or something) under the influence of another.

A river flows forward, compelled, under the influence of a higher power than itself. YHWH’s teachings are the higher power than ourselves. When we fear YHWH, we’re under the influence of His teachings (the Holy Spirit / Word) and then we go forth as He wills.

Here is an image from that word study video I was referring to. You can see the man at the bottom may be under the influence of pain, oppression, social pressure, running out of resources, death, or YHWH.

If you are more afraid of dying than of YHWH you might force other people to wear a mask or take a vaccine for instance. You would not care about their lives. You would not treat them as you would want to be treated in the same situation. You would disregard their right to autonomy because you are not influenced by a higher power than a fear of dying.

Many people idolize having resources or money. The bible suggests their master or lord is the god of money, Mammon. So they live their lives being influenced by Mammon rather than YHWH. When given a choice between sinning and gaining money, they would have more fear of Mammon and thus would sin.

Someone who is under the influence of YHWH, that is “Fearing the Lord” would choose to not sin regardless of their fear of death, or losing out on resources, or being in temporary pain, because they believe there is a reward for not sinning, even if they can’t see it.

The Sims Revisited

So, a character in The Sims who is under the influence of a good human playing him or her will be led to do things that are very beneficial for their lives, even if they don’t know why they’re doing them. This is how you can view yourself if you take time to meditate or pray on what God’s will for you to do each day is.

Jesus said, “My food is to do the will of Him who sent me and to finish His work.” John 4:34

Jesus then asks us to pray to know “God’s will” or instructions for us when we ask “Give us this day our daily bread” in the Lord’s Prayer. Our daily bread is what God wants us to do for Him each day.

People who do not ask to know God’s will may be under the influence of the “anti-Christ” spirit. They may be overwhelmed by their fears. They may become short-sighted just like the NPCs in The Sims.

Some may believe that “Satan” or “the Devil” is playing the other people in this example. I don’t believe in a literal devil. I have written about that in the past. But, if that’s the way you view this, you are free to do so. I just think they’re under the influence of fear and wrath. I wrote about how people stop thinking logically when they get fearful or full of wrath. I would say that is the anti-Christ spirit that is against the belief that YHWH is over all and there is no reason to fear and He is the one who is taking care of retribution.

The Drama of It All
All logic goes out the window when pissed
For the purposes of this article, I’ll refer to a “strong feeling of displeasure” as “anger” and a feeling of “forceful, often vindictive anger” as “wrath.” The definition of “vindictive” that I will use will be “disposed to seek revenge, spiteful, and a desire to hurt back…
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But, I focus on the example of a human player playing The Sims as I used to do. I like this example, of being an avatar with God’s Spirit inside guiding me to carry out His tasks each day, even if I don’t see how they all go together yet. And when I get overwhelmed with fear, this example can help me remember that God has a much higher perspective than I do and He’s not fearful. So long as I do His will, it will all be okay in the end. He knows the long-run because He’s outside of time.

Do you let others push your buttons and thus are you under the influence of them instead of God? Do you think this idea or example may help you to see how God is able to give you instructions each day?

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