I'm mostly agnostic, recovering hardcore atheist. I used to be dismissive, and more arrogant about my atheism growing up. Now appreciating my Christian friends, who are on the whole, much happier and more pleasant to be around. Love the fact that you are using the Avatar analogy, which is a very woke movie. Hardcore atheists seeing that will have an apoplectic stroke! :) Good times...

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I started Leaves of the Tree Healing (the website) quite a few years ago. This article in particular was written May 13, 2018. I am trying to transfer the articles onto Substack so I can stop paying for hosting for the website.

I see you subscribed to here, and I just wanted to say, this particular article I agree with. However, not everything I wrote in the past is agreed with by me today. Like, I have a different view of what "demons" are (just in case you read the deliverance article.) If you ever are intrigued about something and want my current views, please feel free to ask. I mostly agree with everything on the website, and I honestly think Christians will benefit from the demon page so I decided to just share it again regardless of my current views on what they are.

This is going to be a weird substack because many Christians would call me a heretic, so it would be difficult to read what I write and think "Christians (in general) believe this," because of my writings. I am definitely not the regular Christian.

I'm also thinking of just dumping articles with links (to other articles for the site) and trying to edit the links later to go to the Substack articles. This is a bit of a project I'm taking on. Thanks for understanding.

Also, thanks for appreciating it and finding it interesting. The idea of Avatars existed prior to the movie, they should understand why they chose the name they did. ;)

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