
Philippians 2: Emptying Ourselves For God

Becoming Servants In Order To Be Exalted & Worshiped

The end goal is to do our Father's will and be in His image, not to be worshipped, of course.

In 2018 I was invited to give a presentation. This group of people didn’t believe in using the new names that were supposed to be “translations” of the actual names from the bible. So, rather than say, “God” I said “Yahweh” or YHWH and rather than say, “Jesus” I used the Hebrew name “Yehoshua.” Rather than say “Apostle Peter” I use his Hebrew name “Kefa” also spelled, “Kepha.” I’m just uploading the video of that presentation. I’m not going to put all the text of the video below, but Substack’s caption system did a pretty good job. And I will add a few notes below.

People who think that Jesus is YHWH, the creator, often have no idea what’s going on in Philippians 2. They read into the text to try to make it go along with their beleifs. But because Jesus never claimed to be YHWH, was an actual human, like us, there’s a whole meaning that is being missed in these passages. So in this video I attempt to clear it up.

There are many different translations of Philiipians 2 because people read their belief into the text and try to make it say what they want it to say. For instance, there are no differences between capital letters and non capital letters. But they capitalize “He” to try to make it seem like the writer was making the declaration that Jesus (Yehoshua) was YHWH. Also, the word “name” means much more than what you call yourself. I use the translation of “authority” in the video.

Phillipians 2:5 Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus: 6 Who, existing in the form of God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, 7 but emptied Himself, taking the form of a servant, being made in human likeness. 8 And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to death— even death on a cross. 9 Therefore God exalted Him to the highest place and gave Him the name above all names, 10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, 11 and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

BSB Translation

2 Peter 1 discusses how we're partakers of the divine nature, just like Yehoshua was, and we are to add to our faith virtue, and to add to that knowledge, temperance, patience, godliness, brotherly kindness, and to brotherly kindness add agape love. I call that the ladder we're supposed to climb, but some may think of it as the way to the Father, because it is a process, a path, but at the end of that trip is the Father, who is pure agape love.

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Caligula (aka Caius or Gaius) Takes on “the Form of God”

Caligula was the third Roman emperor reigning from March 16th, 37 – January 24th, 41

“Now Caius managed public affairs with great magnanimity during the first and second year of his reign, and behaved himself with such moderation, that he gained the good-will of the Romans themselves, and of his other subjects. But, in process of time, he went beyond the bounds of human nature in his conceit of himself, and by reason of the vastness of his dominions made himself a god, and took upon himself to act in all things to the reproach of the Deity itself. (Chapter 7)

1. THERE was now a tumult arisen at Alexandria, between the Jewish inhabitants and the Greeks; and three ambassadors were chosen out of each party that were at variance, who came to Caius. Now one of these ambassadors from the people of Alexandria was Apion,561 who uttered many blasphemies against the Jews; and, among other things that he said, he charged them with neglecting the honors that belonged to Caesar; for that while all who were subject to the Roman empire built altars and temples to Caius, and in other regards universally received him as they received the gods, these Jews alone thought it a dishonorable thing for them to erect statues in honor of him, as well as to swear by his name. (Chapter 8)”

The Antiquities of the Jews book 18, chapter 7-8 by Josephus

In Phillipians, the writer is basically comparing Jesus to Caligula and how he handled himself.

Extra Links:

How Was Jesus's Blood Poured Out Playlist

God & His Wisdom Playlist

Philippians 2 Strongs

Clementine Homilies 7

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